Monday, April 23, 2007

Does a Silver Bullet Exist in Marketing?

We have observed a number of B2B companies trying to achieve sales growth using only one marketing tool. Think of the company who uses just direct mail to create new customers or the manufacturing firm that uses just manufacturer's reps to grow their business.

Most of the companies that restrict their marketing to only a limited number of tools seem to struggle. There is no silver bullet. Achieving significant growth requires the use of many tools in harmony in order to effectively reach a target market.

What is your experience? Do you know of any B2B businesses that rely upon only one tool and achieve real growth?

If so, we would like to hear from you. Drop us a line and share your story.

1 comment:

Paul Mycroft said...

You are absolutely right.

In my experience, some clients think that once a Web site is live, that the search engines will instantly index, rank and send targeted traffic their way. They fail to understand that new sites can take MONTHS to get indexed and once they are, may not RANK well for keywords, some that the client has made up on-the-spot to check with.

Secondly, once a visitor arrives at their Web site, they may not actually DO anything because (1) the site does not guide them to the target pages or (2) does not present a clear "call to action."

A well-designed Web site that has been optimized for the search engines should COMPLEMENT your other marketing efforts.

Those include print, email marketing, advertising, forum participation, phone calls, and networking. These should all play a part in your overall plan, not be the main show.